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17% Growth in 2022/23

Chile's Cherry Exports to China: Highlights of an Exceptional Season

For the fourth consecutive year, Chile marked a record in cherry production and exports, unfolding a season that was, in commercial terms, more 'standard' compared to the tumultuous past two years. This normalcy was experienced by those cultivating early harvests, as well as those with mid-season and late-season fruits. The lifting of mobility restrictions, just as a surge of containers began to dock at their destinations, played a crucial role in setting a new record for the national cherry campaign.

Isabel Quiroz

Isabel Quiroz

Directora ejecutiva de iQonsulting

16 de Mayo 2023 Equipo Redagrícola

Although much of the world saw the Covid-19 pandemic less restrictive than in 2020 and 2021, China continued its 'Zero Covid' policy. However, a significant shift occurred at the onset of December when the country announced an easing of measures, intending to reclaim a semblance of normality. Such news was a cause for celebration for the cherry industry, which was in the throes of the 2022/23 season at the time.

The first tentative steps towards a moderate reopening were followed by an ...

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